The expression menu lacks various controls types and features used by VRChat's native Action Menu, limiting our approach to creating more complex toggles that depend on one another or simply to provide clearer intent/description to users.
Some of the features missing include the following:
* Making a control unclickable (to indicate it depends on another function, typically another toggle, such as the various personal mirror settings only being accessible once the mirror is shown, but also some of the action menu settings depending on whether you're in VR or not).
* Control tooltips (as used by the Custom Emojis and stickers controls when you're not subscribed to VRC+)
Alternate toggle looks:
* On/off capsule instead of the spinning circle overlay (support for icons would be a bonus, with a smaller capsule and the option to choose whether it appears above or below the icon)
* Alternate icons (similar to the microphone and gestures toggles)