[BUG][BUILD 1004] Avatars 3.0 emotes on index do not have root transform applied properly when doing animations.
If you do an animation on the "Action" layer as an emote, the foot positions are not baked properly. This only happens on index.
It does not seem to happen on Oculus HMDs, Vive is untested. The theory is that it has to do with Index finger tracking breaking things.
Left side is Oculus, right side is Index.
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has this been solved yet? i cant remember
Finally! I saw a note of one of latest updates that something related to applying root motion was fixed. We checked it yesterday on live version and friends on the instance confirmed, that I'm not sliding anymore when playing animations.
Late happy 2 years anniversary.
I just wanna use my animations and be seen properly by others... :(
I feel this has been forgotten internally
Merged in a post:
we found a glitch that fixes the root motion on emotes while using index controllers
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801352387506733066/968671801322381343/2022-04-26_20-33-25.mp4 we thought that if we recorded it, it may be a step in the right direction to fixing the issue
Merged in a post:
Animations with root motion broken for other players while using Index controllers
While playing an animation with root motion, the animation will play fine locally, however, other players will only see it move vertically. Any horizontal movement will not be seen. This appears to only happen while using Valve Index controllers, regardless of 3 or 6 point tracking. Only tested in SDK3.0 so far.
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Please fix the index root motion bug!
No further explanation needed. Breaks so many things in VRChat e.g MMD worlds :(
Please fix it, thank you!
A day late but happy second anniversary. This company sure cares about Index users, huh?
I'm curious, does the new hand tracking for quest users cause this bug as well? The fact that that feature popped up with such impeccable timing should be extra aggravating.
Julian Astrum
Confirming this as of 9/1/2022. Has this really been an unfixed issue for TWO YEARS? TWO YEARS guys. Come on. It's still happening to index, i was with a friend with index last night and saw this issue and remembered this post.
Still happens as of the latest build, both live and beta. Build 1219.
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