Hide VeryPoor by default on PC
On Android, the default minimum performance rank is Medium, but on PC it is VeryPoor.
I feel like there's a mismatch here, PC could at least incentivize Poor or better by blocking VeryPoor by default.
To clarify, this is not hiding VeryPoor all the time unless manually shown, it is just the default block setting.
(picture shows proposal, current default is Don't Block)
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I think adjusting the requirements for poor and medium to be slightly more flexible would also be a good thing, so that 70,001 tris wouldn't instantly be very poor.
There could for example be a gap of 20k that would put you to poor. So under 70k would be medium, under 90k would be poor, and then after that very poor.
But yes, if there was some adjustments of the ratings, hiding very poors by default would be good. Right now maybe not, since basically everyone who have couple toggleable clothes are automatically very poor.
This is a very easy assumption.
If you have an Avatar with 69,999 triangles and max out all other categories, you still will be rated as "Good".
If you now have an Avatar with 70,001 triangles, you get the very poor rating. Even if your other categories are in the " Excellent " region.
Which one of these avatars will now have a bigger impact on performance? Yes, the one with the "better" rating.
SaphiGoat I also think the ranks need updating. The Poor rank for example is not meaningfully different from Medium other than having double the material slots and a light source. The triangle count should probably be increased so the rank can be more useful.
Poor rank on Android has different triangle limits from Medium too.
Yes! This has bothered me for so long. Very Poor avatars should not be acceptable by default. I'd go as far as to say that Poor should be blocked by default as well, but I'd be happy with anything other than "Don't Block" as the default. I think this could be one of the easiest ways to actually incentivize avatar creators to care about their avatar's performance rank, even if just a little bit.
TERPYDERP32 Yes and no, the problem is for a "meaningful" rating, they would need to load and measure avatars on the fly. A "good" avatar can easily be worse than a very poor if you mess up the animator completely, which is not covered by the performance rank at all. The current ranking system gives you "hints or rather a general direction" towards what you can expect, but not what might truly be. (And before you ask, yes there are very poors outperforming good rated avatars - definetely not the standard though)
You would incentivize avatar creators to care more once the "with 70.001 polys you are very poor - period - regardless if everything else is good or better" is adjusted to reflect some sort of "steps" like the other ranking factors.
But anyways, thumbs up for the default "hide very poor", IF i can turn that setting back to "show all" without having to manually show everyone, just like Swingly suggested.