Performance Ranking in Unity/VRChat doesn't match security scan/website
I have an avatar that shows up as "Good" for PC in the Unity editor and once downloaded in VRChat, but both on the website and in game prior to downloading the avatar, the security scan shows up as "Very Poor". I'm not sure why there's this discrepancy, but the consequence is that the avatar is filtered out by clients who have "Poor and Below"/"Very Poor" blocked, and the opaqueness of the process means I have no way of telling how to fix the problem.
Request is either for parity between the systems, such that an avatar's performance ranking will be displayed consistently between them, or else more descriptive feedback on why the security scan returned a different ranking than Unity does.
I've seen this on a few avatars in the past, but currently the one I'm having issue with it on is private, but it's here:
Attached are pictures from the same avatar on PC as seen in:
1) Unity Editor
2) VRChat Client (avatar tile, pre-download)
3) VRChat Client (avatar info, post-download)
4) VRChat Website
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