[1238] AVPro Video Player has a recursion bug when changing URL's in beta build.
There's an infinite loop bug in the AVPro video player that will crash out the Udon script controlling it.
I've tested against the Live version and confirmed it works without issue, and tested on the current open beta with a stock AVPro video player prefab from the VRChat SDK to confirm the fault is in the AVPro video player and not something I've done in Udon myself.
To reproduce; Play a youtube video. Now play another one, or a twitch stream. It will get very angry and crash out immediately. Looking in the log, it seems like something is broken inside yt-dlp.exe?
2022.09.12 00:45:47 Log - [Video Playback] Attempting to resolve URL 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2BvjC24tO4'
2022.09.12 00:45:57 Log - NativeProcess.Start: started process id [11400]: C:/Users/[USERNAME]/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/yt-dlp.exe (...)
2022.09.12 00:45:57 Error - [UdonBehaviour] An exception occurred during Udon execution, this UdonBehaviour will be halted.
VRC.Udon.VM.UdonVMException: The VM encountered an error!
Exception Message:
The VM encountered an error!
Program execution time exceeded max VM time of 10.0 seconds. You may want to check for infinite loops/recursion.
Program Counter was at 380
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Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Whaddageek: Thank you for the update below mentioning that the bug fixed itself. I can reopen this bug report if that is not the case.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
You posted this to the wrong board. I moved it to the Open Beta board.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: My bad, and thanks.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Can you provide a world ID?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Sure, but it's been world-agnostic. - I've tested in several of my worlds using a stock AVPro player to make sure it wasn't something I did.
You're welcome to try in my world though. The Videoplayer uses a slight tweak of the stock AVPro player provided in the SDK, but all it does is add play/pause/stop options, actual video-management code is untouched (I've reasonably excluded it being my fault as it was working fine pre-patch and replicated the results exactly with a stock AVPro player).
Video player is up the stairs, through door on the right to the Lounge Room, and it's in the big mirror on the wall (panel on the left-hand side, third button down)
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Tried again on the new build (1240), and AVPro player is now working correctly!