Baked Lightmaps on SpeedTrees do not load into VRChat
When lightmapping a SpeedTree, things go well inside of Unity, but then in VRChat the lightmap is all black.
If this is intended behavior and can not be fixed, please document it. SpeedTree tech is built into Unity.
This is a problem related to grass/terrain too, I assume. But in my case,
I am not using terrain
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Cow Tsuna
Seems to be related to shader lightmode variants being script when the game is built. Can be avoided via this unity setting when vrchat is built:
The Savage
Hoping on this to be fixed
In the past (cant vouch for current) I was able to bake Speedtree models, but it required disabling the LOD system on the tree and using just the base mesh. I also had to switch to standard shader for them, as I think the speedtree shader does not support it.
Generally speaking thought I leave speedtree to Lightprobes. I have a 2nd static copy if I need to for baking just the shadows.
How do you bake SpeedTrees? They can't be baked, coz they are using some kind of billboards for leaves (non static).
Anyway, I've try to do that and for me speedtrees become very dark in Unity after baking, and I wasn't able to fix that.
p.s. I don't think it's VRChat-related bug.