There is nothing wrong with the world to why it would crash for no apparent reason. Using, with latest SDK for VRchat. It crashes;
All objects are "Static"
Four Objects are Animated
One of the 4 Objects that are animated has Dynamic Bones (in the chain)
Lighting and Baking was completed.
Spawn/Respawn is inbetween an object map; (Not sure if this is an issue; there are collisions)
There is VRChat's Water Script
Map is small.
There is a Trigger that enables music.
There is also a Vehicle/Car (from the Mario Cart World; which I am using to test if it works; if this is causing the crashes, I can remove it)
Testing leads to 1st Map I made and not the current map that I am building.
Building leads to crashing.
Been trying to upload this world for an entire week; still having issues.