[3.0.6] New VCC projects consistently fails to load the VRCUrlInputField script
I have attempted making a new project multiple times, and each time the VRCUrlInputField script is not properly imported or available until I click the Reload SDK action. This is a consistent import failure and will likely confuse users trying to import use external assets that depend on URL inputs who neglect to, or don't realize they need to, reload the SDK.
It'd be nice if the import for that particular script would work consistently, or maybe have the import process implicitly do a Reload SDK action once after the regular import process is completed, just so the script is available.
In the old import method, this failure occurred probably around 30% of the time, but with VCC it appears to be reproducible 100% of the time for my testing.
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Momo the Monster
This should be fixed in the new SDK release - 3.0.9. Check it out and let us know!
Yeah, noticed this too, very reproducible. Minor issue, but is rather confusing the first time it happens.
Confirming that VRCUrlInput is missing from the packaged VRCSDK3.dll in the Worlds package v3.0.6.
I originally fixed this issue by importing the one from the VRSDK3-WORLD-2022.0527.22.48_Public.unitypackage, but have also confirmed that using the Reload SDK option does repair this.
Screenshot of before/after "Reload SDK" with missing hook in DLC attached.
On further discussion, it seems to be a deeper issue in Unity that an upcoming version should hopefully have a fix for.
In the mean time, if anyone has a missing script error for url inputs, reload the SDK.