Store and Group Page Examples are not Network Safe!
The Open Listing and Open Group Page examples do not have any precautions to protect menu popups from being called from over the network.
Public functions are missing _ underscore prefixes to prevent network calls.
Yes the prefabs are set to None sync but this could be missed and lost when unpacking and/or reusing the Udon program elsewhere.
No UdonBehaviourSyncMode attribute is added to any classes to enforce the sync mode to be None.
The worst offender is the OpenListingDeluxe program as you cannot see or change the networking mode in the inspector without using the debug mode. This can get reset to Continuous and creators would not be able to tell.
Versions are:
Open Group Page 1.2.0
Open Listing 1.0.3
Had to put that here since a single integer is required as a version number on this canny.
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I would like to be able to open a group page using a networked behaviour without it opening the group page for everyone pls