Imposters as avatar culling
In addition to show for performance blocks, it would be great that imposters load instead of the boring gray prism, since imposters are really lightweights.
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It would be much better if Imposters will be avatars that are 25 meters away from you, and the crystals in 100 meters away. It will make so much more sense. Especially for VR users. You won't really notice how the avatar will change from the original to imposters in 25 meters. And about the crystals, I doubt someone will care to look at someone's avatar that is over 100 meters away from you.
Or an even better solution: Make a few stages of the imposters.
- The normal high quality avatar. [0-25 meters]
- The normal imposters. [25-50 meters]
- A little bit worse imposters. [50-100 meters]
- Bad imposters. [100-250 meters]
- Crystals. [250-infinite meters]
In my opinion, it's the PERFECT avatar LOD. And if they won't be considerate about adding, at the very least the suggestion Nicalay2 gave, (like they usually do.) then that sucks.
I Was just about to post this, it makes perfect sense, as a sort of LOD Option, i would want it to be toggleable tho, just incase the imposters cause a lag issue with large instances, but it would be absolutely great to have this
Still not sure why this is not a thing
This would definitely have been a better option than the giant opaque crystals they tried to give us (and quest still has)
Really hope this gets added.
issue is vram usage, since impostors can use quite a bit. loading both the avatar and the impostor back and forth could strain low power devices for memory space thats already limited. it could work for pc, but may need changing to be used like this on mobile me thinks. otherwise, a very good idea so you get my vote
The thing is that Avatar Culling doesn't fully unload the avatar, it also disables the animator.
If an culled avatar has to be replaced with an impostor then the animator should be active anyway...
I feel as if this should have a toggle above the existing avatar culling options, as some people prefer the existing way. Perhaps a nudge for existing users, and have it defaulted on for new users.
I think impostors should fully replace the diamonds when culling and the diamonds should only be shown when an avatar does not have an impostor.
Impostors are a cool feature but not very useful right now, because in most situations where they would be useful I have to resort to culling which will remove them as well.
This is great idea.
Was literally just about to make a post about using impostors as distant LODs and found this.
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