"Overdue!" message persists even after an avatar's impostorization has failed
When attempting to generate an impostor that leads to a failure, a failure message appears. If the user revisits the avatar's page a few moments later, the failure message disappears and acts as if the avatar is still attempting to generate impostors.
The "Generating Impostors" button remains stuck in its "in progress" state indefinitely, preventing the user from trying to generate another impostor.
This seems to happen consistently, and resolves itself after a few hours.
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We are in the process of rebuilding that web component and this bug will be fixed in the process. I'm closing this specific report in the meantime.
needs more information
Hello! Thanks for reporting this. Is this issue still happening?
StormRel This is still happening, yes.
I just added the VRC "Impostor Settings", "Head Chop", and "Impostor Environment" (I'm not sure which of these still cause impostorization to fail so I'm testing with all of them.) to my avatar to induce the "Failed to create Avatar Impostor Prefab" error.
I waited about 10-15 minutes, refreshed the page and the error message was gone and the "Generate Impostors" button went back to "Overdue!"