Prompt users for untrusted URL whitelisting
Build 1546 changes the "allow untrusted URLs" setting to no longer allow all URLs on public and group public instances, and instead offers world creators the option to whitelist domains for those instance types.
A preferred alternate solution would be to instead prompt users with a notification when an untrusted URL is being used, with the options to:
- Allow this time/this instance
- Whitelist URL (allow permanently until revoked)
- Blacklist URL
This would provide users with the granularity to avoid malicious URLs without explicitly limiting the content that may be played in public/group public instances.
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I came here to post the same exact thing. Today, they released this feature. I would like to also be able to just universally whitelist and manage URLs. I think that would way much farther than the universal allow we have now.
Maybe good option for non-restricted users (aka people not affected by contents gating, or verified user once age matter be thing)
As root of issue be safety (mainly getting ready for age verify I believe) so it makes more sense having those option for verified users in the feature.
A 'Trust This Domain?' type solution might be the best course I think yeah.