[1603] 3D Audio Sources Do Not Play on Steam Audio Beta
Cat‚ O Panda
Hioo, i Downloaded steam audio beta to test my worlds.
On this worlds we have a brunch of 3d audio sourcers for ambience, and after the steam audio update, all the 3d audio sources do not plays anyome.
2d audio sourcers still works fine and respect the reverb zones
All the 3d sources has VRC Spatial Audio script
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Ensure any other sound sources are disabled (e.g. USharpVideo stock audio sources).
Here is an example of a working 3d 18-source setup using directivity and my custom curves.
Cat‚ O Panda
Update: i just posted a test world to see what is happening, looks like some audio soursers are working, but most of them not, and i can notice, most of then are pich up or down
world ID for testing: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_1dc6d6bf-f7e6-4c71-9c6a-f0dc7c52ee52/info