I encountered a bug while playing on the audio beta where all in-game audio would cut out after a 'pop' sound. The audio would 'pop' back in and out once in a while. All in-game audio would be missing: players, world, menu, etc. while audio from outside the game, like steamVR noises and the music I had playing were still functioning.
Not sure if it's specifically the beta which is causing it, but this is the first time I've encountered this bug and I was on the audio beta so I'm putting it in here.
Things I tried in order to fix the issue but didn't work:
* turn all audio shield settings on to remove sounds from avatars
* earmuff mode
* avatar culling
Things I tried that did work:
* Safety/panic mode - This seemed to kept the issue from happening while in safety mode but the issue would reappear after leaving safety mode.
* Rejoining the instance - This seems to have fixed the issue as I have not encountered the bug again.