[1603] Certain Sounds in Worlds are Significantly Louder Than Intended
Some worlds have much much louder sounds than the world creator seems to have intended, or at least significantly louder than on the non-beta version of VRChat
Linked below are some recordings from my home world, Lycan: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_7a92b9b9-01cc-4d6f-ae5f-d10bccb22223/info
All recordings were taken back-to-back with identical audio settings in three different locations, one set in the Beta, the other set on Main
Volume Analysis
Steam Audio Beta (1603)
- Hall: -20.9697 dB
- Far: -20.9697 dB
- Near: -20.9734 dB
Non-Beta (1585)
- Hall: -80.1737 dB
- Far: -78.0265 dB
- Near: -60.3581 dB
The Steam Audio Beta is consistently 20-40 dB louder than it should be for this particular audio source in this world. Additionally, the audio volume doesn't seem significantly affected by distance, while in the Non-Beta version, being near the audio source causes a ~20 dB volume increase.
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I've encountered this unusual loudness of sfx in the world below.
It seems like audio sources which are set to 2D and have vrchat spatialization on have no falloff and always play as if you're close to them.
For example https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_bc69093d-3158-4085-b4eb-71ea0d7b094e the fire pit of the locomotive is loud an always can be heard, and the flaring (metal on metal screeching) of the wheels on sharp turns are DEAFENINGLY loud and global, I for sure know that in this prefab it has spatialization on and mix set to 2D.