Some worlds have much much louder sounds than the world creator seems to have intended, or at least significantly louder than on the non-beta version of VRChat
Linked below are some recordings from my home world, Lycan:
All recordings were taken back-to-back with identical audio settings in three different locations, one set in the Beta, the other set on Main
Volume Analysis
Steam Audio Beta (1603)
  • Hall: -20.9697 dB
  • Far: -20.9697 dB
  • Near: -20.9734 dB
Non-Beta (1585)
  • Hall: -80.1737 dB
  • Far: -78.0265 dB
  • Near: -60.3581 dB
The Steam Audio Beta is consistently 20-40 dB louder than it should be for this particular audio source in this world. Additionally, the audio volume doesn't seem significantly affected by distance, while in the Non-Beta version, being near the audio source causes a ~20 dB volume increase.