Allow for marking custom events as 'networkable'
Assuming the rampant problem of modified client use continues into the 2018 LTS/Udon release, Udon powered worlds will become a new target for illegitimate RPCs.
World creators should have a way to declare which custom events are activatable remotely with a checkbox on the custom event Udon node. This should stop malicious users from ruining minigame worlds, for example.
This could be further secured with 'master only' or 'owner only' options like VRC_Trigger and a dropdown option on each custom event Udon node. These options also need to be available in Udon assembly for external tools like U#.
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Thanks for the request! We introduced local-only events a few years ago! If you start your custom event name with an underscore it won't be accessible as a networked event.
4 years =)
Fax I don't think that addresses this canny fully since this is asking for a way to opt-in to making custom events networkable rather than opt-out. Most users won't know to underscore their method names or won't care enough to mangle their code over it.
Fax What Merlin Said. 100%
The default should be to opt into unsafe networking. Not to selectively opt out of unsafe networking.
Thank you for the feedback and clarification! The request has been reopened.
Could they not just alter the scripts memory in-game to bypass that? What sort of protection would that really offer when a modded client can do anything?
indominablerexx: It protects people
using clients so they can't receive network events that shouldn't be networkedindominablerexx
Kaj: I see now :) Yeah, this would make for a good security feature