Expose TMPro.Dropdown
available in future release
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This post was marked as
available in future release
in progress
This is in progress! It probably won't be in the next major release, but we're working on it.
(I merged a duplicate request into this post, which caused my original status update to be removed. Sorry about that!)
Merged in a post:
Support TMP_Dropdown
How are we not supporting the entire tmpro sweet yet ;-;?
Any news concerning this ? Because on G I don't understand why TPM dropdown isn't exposed, it's super useful, the unity default dropdown menu is awful to use
Going to re-bump this for the new year. This really should be exposed so we don't have to constantly use the UI.Dropdown as a stupid proxy.
I _especially_ need to be able to call TMP_Dropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify in order to make reactive UIs with TMP. It is just a TMP equivalent of Dropdown and should have the same exposure as such within Udon at bare minimum.
I would also add that supporting TMP_InputField is just as important.
How do we not have this yet ? Unity Text components are Legacy and outdated and lack lots of amazing features. We got some basic stuff from TMP exposed but, we need the remaining ones as well to make better looking menus and worlds. The workarounds around making TMP_Dropdowns work are painful and bad for production.
Hello Mr.Tup this is what i get when i try to make a reference to a Tmp Dropdown in my project! The standard dropdown works fine and i ended up just splicing my drop down in with tmpro elements and called it good but it would be nice to just have this work natively.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Can you elaborate on your post? It seems like you're asking for more integration with TextMeshPro. Udon has several TMP hooks. Are you missing something?
What do you mean by "TMP dropdown"?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Oop i forgot to hit reply my reply is up there^
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: What's the progress on this?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
ShayBox: None at this time, but I'll ping some Udon engineers to look into feasibility and if it can fit into our current roadmap.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Very much looking forward to it ; It would help greatly making things not look ugly !
Thanks a lot chief
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Why hasn't 'TMP_Dropdown' been released yet? While creators can craft something similar using TextMeshProUGUI, why should they need to? This issue could be resolved simply by VRChat releasing 'TMP_Dropdown'. Creators shouldn’t have to work on turning negatives into zeros. They should be able to focus on creating content that adds value. I hope for its immediate release.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community:
I will explain "TMP dropdown".
This is one of the UI parts, and is generated by right-clicking in the hierarchy and selecting "UI" → "DropDown - TextMeshPro".
The problem raised by this Canny is that the class "TMPro.TMP_Dropdown" for handling "DropDown - TextMeshPro" with UdonSharp is not exposed and cannot be used.
For this reason, many world creators (including myself) are creating clones of this UI part themselves. (It takes several hours to several days)
Therefore, it is our hope that "TMPro.TMP_Dropdown" will be exposed.