In the graph UI, when a node has an implicit reference to the current gameObject, related transform or current script(UdonBehavior), visually indicate as such.
For example, on the UdonBehvaior -> SendCustomEvent node, the input for the udon behavior reference implicitly fills the input with the reference to the current script if the input has no connection. It should visually indicate (with text change) that the reference to be used when there is no noodle attached is the current script.
As of now it is simply labeled "instance", which can cause confusion and make developers think that they have to explicitly provide an instance noodle connection by doing a 'Const This -> Get Component UdonBehavior' each time.
I would recommend having the text updated to something like "this script" or "current behavior" to have the visual indication that there is a value implied when no connection is present.
This visual change would be a step in the right direction for making the graphs even more beginner focused and friendly.