[11731]Loss of regular tracking of index controllers in ik-beta
needs more information
This problem has been confirmed to occur since at least March 28, 2022
I have a problem with periodic loss of tracking when using the index controller with ik-beta.
The tracking is lost and it continues for a while, as when you lose sight of the base station.
It is relatively stable right after startup, but I have the impression that it becomes more unstable the heavier the operation is.
My friends who use the INDEX controller also complain of similar conditions.
-No problem on non-VRChat applications or on SteamVR.
-Open-beta,Release version does not have the problem.
-Controllers and trackers other than index controllers do not have this problem.
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i encountered this problem too today. but only if i use 11pt tracking. if i dont use my chest tracker, it didnt appear so far.
When i use 11pt my right index controller loses tracking very easily and in general feels very "wobbly" even when clearly being seen by the base stations.
i only got my new trackers recently so i havent tested this issue out that much yet.
i use my old 2.0 vive trackers for feet and hip. the rest are 3.0 vive trackers, if that makes any difference
it happens with 10pt tracking and on the steam beta too. Once it starts, i have to turn off all trackers to have the controller working normal again.
But when i turned them on in a different order again it didnt happen anymore. Usually i start by turning on my 2.0 trackers and then the 3.0 but i couldnt reproduce it reliable enough to say in what exact situation it happens yet
Another Update:
i think i fixed it for me. I think at some point my right controller paired with one of the dongles instead of the headset.
what i did to fix it was starting steamvr and turning on all of my controllers and trackers, then going into steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\lighthouse\bin\win32 and open the lighthouse_console.exe as admin and typing "unpairall". after that i turned off steamvr, unplugged all of my dongles, turned steamvr on and was pairing my index controllers freshly with only the headset connected. turned steamvr off again and unplugged the usb part from the index headset cable. started steamvr and connected/paired one dongle and controller at a time again until all where done. turned off all trackers and steamvr. plugged the index usb in again and so far i didnt have any tracking issues anymore when using 11pt tracking. hope it stay's that way
I have noticed that my index controllers were losing tracking more often since the latest IK beta, but I wasn't sure if it was due to throwing in the chest tracker as well.
Confirming that it has only happened after being in VRC for some time and not immediately after startup.
Don't really have any other datapoints to add.
needs more information
So far this appears to be a radio frequency issue. We'll need additional info to either confirm or rule out that possibility before any more steps can be taken on this. If anyone who can reproduce this issue is able to carry out the further testing step listed in my previous reply that would help.
I'll re-post it here for convenience: Could you please turn on all your trackers as if you were using 10pt tracking, but use the normal non-beta version of VRChat for an extended session and check if you can observe the same tracking loss while all your devices are switched on?
Hello Kung ;)
I have taken a video of the verification and present it here.
As far as I have been able to verify, the problem occurs at 10pt and 6pt, but not at 3pt.
The problem occurred in both "Legacy IK" mode and "ik beta" mode.
We have been able to confirm these phenomena synchronously both locally and on the network. It seems that friends who are in the same instance when the problem is occurring are seeing the same thing.
ゆえちゃん: Thanks for the information and the video. Can you check if your index controller shows this tracking loss on the controller's 3d model visible when the SteamVR dashboard/overlay is open, while also making sure your 7 other trackers used for 10pt are turned on too? I'm curious if this is a radio frequency issue that only appears when you have many trackers switched on simultaneously.
Kung: Thanks kung :)
I confirmed this by displaying the Steam overlay when the problem occurred.
The 3D model of the index controller on the SteamVR dashboard/overlay represented a tracking loss.
Also, when I am trying to track less than 10 pts, I turn off the trackers that are not in use. (The dongle is not disconnected from the USB)
Even with 10-pt tracking, there is no loss of tracking on "SteamVR Home".
Thank you<3
ゆえちゃん: Thanks for the reply. Can you clarify this?: "The 3D model of the index controller on the SteamVR dashboard/overlay represented a tracking loss." Does this mean that when you experienced tracking loss and opened the dashboard at that moment your SteamVR dashboard Index controller model was experiencing a tracking loss too?
Also, during tracking loss of the the Index controller, are you able to use the joystick on the controller?
I haven't been able to reproduce this issue myself yet so I'd like to request that you do an additional test: Could you please turn on all your trackers as if you were using 10pt tracking, but use the normal non-beta version of VRChat for an extended session and check if you can observe the same tracking loss while all your devices are switched on?
If anyone else reading through is is able to add more details of their experiences with this issue that would help as well. Thanks!
Thanks for the report.
Could you provide a video of this happening, recorded in this world? https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_01025423-c339-4735-8af9-ba45cc9e46f2
Does this happen in 3pt tracking? 6pt? 8pt? 10pt?
Does this happen in the ik-beta build when toggling to "Legacy IK" mode?
Also, does this happen locally only, over the network only, or both?
You are using the wrong canny site btw, this one is for Avatar Dynamics.
The one for the IK2.0 is: https://feedback.vrchat.com/vrchat-ik-20