[BUG] Avatar foot is not locked to foot tracker
With 6+ point tracking, the foot does not track EXACTLY where the IRL foot goes. Foot up/down tracks seemingly fine, rotating on the upwards axis is largely ok, but rolling the ankle just, doesn't. (Not that this should even BE in terms of “This axis is better than this one” to begin with.)
Meaning if I place my foot perfectly statically to the ground, it will not stay stuck to the ground when it should be stuck to the ground and instead drift (shift/rotate on the axis of the foot) around. Or if I rotate my foot in some specific direction it will not follow 1:1.
I genuinely can not fathom a singular scenario where you would want the foot of a avatar to not track EXACTLY AND ABSOLUTE to where your IRL foot is.
(After dedicated testing)
Seems as though this is only as pronounced as it is on MY main avatar. All other avatars show this behavior to some borderline imperceptible degree, which seems to directly correlate with how far away from "Basically straight up-and-down human leg" the avatar's legs are.
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Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
I recorded a video of the IK problems.
Thanks for taking the time to confirm that this isn't a physbone issue. If you find anything else interesting please don't hesitate to post. I'll be investigating this myself too.
Using the Avatar Measurement toggle set to "by-height" mode may improve your situation. Some avatars that aren't proportionally matched may end up with you binding the avatar's foot far away from your own IRL ankle's center of rotation.
To better troubleshoot what's going on though a video would be helpful. If you do record one, it would be extra helpful if you do it with the main menu (not the hand held quickmenu but the larger main menu) open so that your tracker balls are visible too.
Kung: Here is that video: https://files.catbox.moe/84y5re.mkv
Hope this helps demonstrate.
[Edit] In .mp4 so it should play in browser and downloading shouldn't be necessary: https://files.catbox.moe/9xyptd.mp4
DragonSkyRunner: Thank you for the video! This is super helpful to see what's going on. This looks similar to the issue where physbones affect humanoid bones and cause odd issues. Can you confirm if this happens on avatars with no physbones at all? (because checking if any physbone affects humanoid bones may be prone to error)
Kung: On the main green avatar in that video, the only physbones on it are on the tail, wings and miscellaneous accessories, nothing that directly interacts with the Unity Humanoid skeleton at all. Nor on the blue one either, purely tail and ears. At most there's animation on the toes of the green one.
I have a sneaking suspicion the problem is angle limits on the ankle joints based on assumptions the ankle angle will be largely about 90 degrees, when on the blue one the angles are closer to 45 degrees, and on the green one even acuter than that. (This would be on the invisible set of legs the IK actually interacts with, to facilitate digitigrade deformation.)
Ideally I can't think of any reason angle limits would be necessary, a human foot can't physically move/rotate more than it can IRL anyway.
In any case, I'll try and get a temp upload going with any physbones stripped and see what happens, but I'm currently pretty confident it won't do much.
Kung: And this is that 2nd video: https://files.catbox.moe/5a18ky.mp4