Open Beta

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Allow users to override their own content filters when being invited to a gated world
I strongly believe that users above the age of 18 (those unaffected by the default filters) should be able to bypass their gating preferences when invited to a gated world rather than being unable to join entirely if they're absolutely sure of the consequences. This feature isn't currently implemented as of writing this post, but the blog post explaining it states that you will be unable to join worlds people invite you to if it's been hidden by your content filters. There will most certainly be situations where people will feel safe trusting a friend enough to know the world is safe and join them regardless of it being hidden by their preferences. According to the way the feature is described in the blog post, the only solution to this would be to temporarily disable your filters entirely instead of just allowing for a one-time exception. This is not only very annoying, but could potentially open people up to seeing more unrelated things they don't want to see while the filter is off momentarily. (avatars, other worlds if they forget to turn it back on, etc.) And just for fun, here's how I picture this working: Being sent an invite to a gated world could look like "X would like you to join them in a world that is hidden by your content gating preferences" and the user would only be given the option to dismiss the notification. Hidden/buried under the 3-dot menu could be an option labelled "Join anyway". Clicking on this would ask if you're absolutely sure and comfortable joining the world, and agreeing would then load you into the world as normal.
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