Allow group owners to opt age verification for group membership
It seems like that there is a heavy implication that age verification is only for instances only.
I would like to see the option for group owners to additionally enforce age verification to join / retain membership for their group.
Example scenario: I'm a group owner with five hundred members. At some point I would like to make my group require age verification in order for users to retain membership in the group.
When requiring age verification, any member who has not verified their age on their VRChat account via Persona gets a notification stating that they have 7 days to verify, or else they will be automatically removed from the group.
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Yes, I would love to see this feature! I really hope it’s in the works!
Yes +18 groups please
To expand on this I'd like roles to have age verification. So whenever someone joins the everyone role, they would have no permissions and would need to verify to get access to the verified roles. 13+ gets access to the "join group instances" permissions and 18+ gets access to "join / create 18+ (and 13+) instances" permissions
Jay Ren
This would save a /lot/ of manual effort (Otherwise you'd have to do something like manually giving out invites after checking for the 18+ badge).
It would also make sure you can't accidently leave age verification off on a group instance
I agree with this. There are more then a few groups that should require 18+ Membership for various reasons, and this should be enabled so those particular groups can make sure that all of it's members are trusted adults.
I'd like the ability, just so it can be handled by VRC and shown on the profile, and not have to hand over ID in a random discord like several clubs do to verify age. This would be a HUGE help to clubs that wanna keep it adult just simply because adult conversations, drinking (we know it happens) and other topics and that keeps the content appropriate to that club, and keeps data safer.