Complementary manual age verification
Some users might have issues with the automated age verification process, or with Persona specifically. It would be nice to have the option to manually get age verified by a vrchat staff member instead. That way the privacy concerns are more managable, the data processing is completely on VrChat's side so it's easier to validate the complete deletion of any personal data and outliers for whom the facial recognition might not work correctly would have a second chance to get verified as well. I can see how this would increase the need for staff members, but the broad majority of people would be covered by the automated process, and age verification and privacy are both so important that it should be worth it.
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I agree that an alternative method of age verification is needed, for two major reasons:
1) The current privacy policy/tos/eula is bad, namely because:
- In their wiki page/blog posts they communicate to us that they TELL persona to delete your personal information. TELLing, is not enough because you are not requiring! My understanding is, persona can just ignore this and happily keep your data.
- So i went ahead and i read withpersona's privacy policy. My takeaway was if you request your data to be removed, they can keep it as long as they are operating, so basically forever!
- And finally i have found a nice red flag in VRChat's terms of service as well, namely section 16 where you allow them to share information they collect, including their privacy policy section 1.D where they claim 3rd parties, such as persona
In short, i concluded that in theory (and this is important, i am not claiming anything here!) VRChat can take your personal information, sell it as is for profit, and persona can keep your personal information as well.
In reality i do believe that this is just miscommunication from their side, for example they may signed the contract with a criteria stating that if vrchat tells them, they must oblige, but we, outsiders can only see what's being told to us.
And don't forget that i re-read everything multiple times, it doesn't means i didn't made a mistake or misunderstanding somewhere.
2) Persona's AI automated methods aren't perfect. For example cases you can go to and search for the company. It's full of angry people who failed the verification process.
Necc86 some regions are not supported by Persona too, and will never be. So thats the major reason. Your reasons are minor.
Considering I have a beard now and don't on my license because of the time gap, Persona does NOT work. I second this post. I won't be shaving my beard for something that should account for it and take less than 5 minutes.