Create a one-time only change to DOB
With the upcoming age verification update, I'm assuming they're using the DOB that was provided when creating a VRChat account and cross-referencing with the DOB on your ID. What about the people who made a mistake when inputting the DOB like I have? IIRC the birth date is off by some numbers (I have a bad case of stupid). Or the folks who have their accounts given to them (willingly), I have 2 friends who fall into that category.
At the time, I didn't consider it an issue since VRChat didn't use the DOB for anything other than to verify if you were old enough (which I was at the time) and could have an account, but now with this update, it's becoming more apparent that this may be an issue.
Support said there was nothing they could do about it and that it was locked in, which was a huge letdown considering I was even willing to give my ID to fix the DOB I had input during my account creation. A lot of other social platforms give the ability to change your DOB at least once, and then never again.
Please create a one-time only change to DOB, you're getting your age verified anyways, if the DOB provided prints out that you weren't old enough to create an account at the time of creation, then just slap them with a community ban or something for a while. It'd really suck having to create a whole new account to fix one issue that could be fixed relatively easy on other platforms.
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What happens if my verified birth date differs from the one I provided when I agreed to the Terms of Service?
Asked by @Zekk, @syncpulse
We will correct the birth date on your VRChat account to the verified birth date provided on your ID. Don’t worry, no other actions will be taken.
angel dust
I’m also really scared that I won’t be able to verify myself. I was already over 18 when VRChat was released, but sometimes I just enter random information to quickly create an account.
(Yeah, that’s obviously dumb and totally my fault, but the fact that NOTHING can be done about it is still frustrating, especially when you can prove that you’re old enough. But this feeling of fear I have now will teach me a lesson, and in the future, I’ll make sure to always enter my real birthdate everywhere.
I mean, I had no idea that VRChat would be so much fun for me or that I’d end up spending more time in VRChat than in real life haha—who could have seen that coming?)
I didn’t realize at the time that it couldn’t be changed later, and now I’m really worried… It’s so frustrating that you can neither see nor update this information.
I had the same issue with Riot Games, but there, they were able to help me and adjusted my birthdate as a one-time exception.
Well, maybe the date entered on the account isn’t even considered during verification. Since you can only register one account per ID, the verification will most likely rely on the ID itself and not the birthdate entered on the VRChat account. I’m sure this issue affects more than 50% of the people here anyway.
Hey y'all, I must ask for some help getting a VRChat Canny feature request up and going, it's honestly kinda urgent for the future of my VRC account. Unfortunately, during the account creation process, I messed up my DOB (Date of Birth), with the age verification update coming out sometime soon, I'm most likely unable to verify due to my VRC DOB being incorrect from my irl DOB, but with it fixed, I will be able to obtain the +18 badge for my profile. Without it though, in the future, I will not be able to see most of your guys avatars, worlds, or instances due to a minor fuck up on my part in account creation, unless I create a whole different VRChat account, which is a huge letdown considering other platforms allow you to fix this at least once.
I sometimes fudge the DOB day and month numbers on purpose (sometimes I take or add a year as well), on the assumption that the point is to know if you are an adult or not and the precise date doesn't matter. And doing so helps as a bit of protection in case of data leaks.
And it is until recently that I realized that some sites don't show DOB in your account settings, so I am kinda screwed if I don't remember what I did.
First happened on Twitch, I submitted a support ticket and I was asked my DOB to verify my identity, and for the life of me I couldn't remember if I had fudged it or not. And it's not visible in the profile, so I couldn't verify. Fortunately I had not fudged it, I suppose because Twitch is serious business that may involve money someday.
And now I am here, seeing this Id verification thing, and once more not remembering if this is one of the sites I fudged it or not. But given the complete unimportance of VRChat, I probably did. The profile settings also don't show it, so nothing to do but wait to see what happens I guess.
Corbent I fudge my DOB for privacy reasons too, but I try to make a note about it in my password manager for that site's login so i can lookup the random DOB for that site if i need it later. IDK if that approach might work for you in the future?
PhoenixFallen Hahaha yes it would. Already thought about it. It{s just that I had never had the issue before.