Please allow age verification on AT LEAST ONE other account.
Per the updated FAQ for the announcement of Age Verification, I would like to suggest a hard limit of at least 1 or at most 2 alts who are eligible for the same age verification.
People may have alts for various reasons, some being that they may not want people who know their main VRC account name (especially if that name exists outside of VRC on other platforms) and may not want to engage with the more hardcore gated content (cough18+STUFFcough) for fear of other users maliciously looking them up and then harassing them on other platforms or even irl. I realize that may be an extreme example, but I can imagine I am not the only one who has their VRC name as their other socials and tries to keep it as professional as possible especially those that are creators.
And while you could just say...
"Well. Then just verify your alt account."
...and I could just do that, but what if in doing so I lock my main account off from my favorite worlds and or avatars should those world/avatar creators put their creations behind Age Verification gates.
I apologize in advance if this was hard to follow, I'm not the best at articulating my words, so I hope this made some sense...
I would just greatly appreciate being able to keep my main and an alt with the same amount of access and not feel like I have a baby gate in my way on one or the other despite being a fully grown adult. -_-
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Isn't there like some sort of checker that can determine if more than one account is active at a time? Or if the hash is in use at the same time? I feel that would be helpful.
As for multiple accounts; bot accounts do exist in order to get people into instances that are used as a default system to send invites and group announcements out.
I feel it's necessary to have a multi id function because if you lose access to one account, be it a lost email or unable to get into either account, it's convenient to not lose out on the perks of the device.
I just want a +1 account as there are sites that do allow for that sort of thing already. Could be a perk if you pay a premium vrc+ thing or even buy it in a shop and have that kept on record you bought an id verified additional account. That was it is linked to your account AND it keeps you on record should anything go wrong or is handed out.
Miss Widgey
ɧıʂơŋɛ One of the points of using the hash outside of minimizing the amount of personal data stored was to have the ability to know if multiple accounts are using the same hash and potentially if there's enough demand allowing people to verify multiple profiles on a single hash, which I'm guessing comes with the caveat that if one account had action taken against it that said action would also be taken against any additional accounts connected to the hash.
Miss Widgey I can't tell if this is agreeing with what I said or not. They would be using the same amount of personal data, just linking the additional accounts name to the record with my theory. Like a shared subscription service but rather a purchase that can be made multiple times to ensure the permanence.
Like how steam only allows vrc+ to be purchased once per steam account. If you don't want an additional steam account for vrc +, you have to gift that to yourself or have it bought for you. If it was set up so could purchase an additional account with the perks it'd make plenty sales and the additional name could be stored on record.
Much like how ingame purchases can still be made through multiple accounts and remembered but not vrc+ as a whole as that's considered externally.
Miss Widgey
ɧıʂơŋɛ I was just giving information about how official channels have said they might use the hash system. I'm all for having a system where you can own multiple accounts under one profile if that's what you're proposing.
Likely Alucard
It will never be allowed on multiple accounts. That opens up way to many potential issues. Users are already abusing AV. We dont need more. If your a content creator, why would you have AV on your stream account? makes no sense. Keep it on your casual account your usually on.
as for the drama argument or whatever, I dont belive thats worth potential security risks. Just use moderation tools.
Miss Widgey
Still hoping we can have a system where we can verify multiple accounts with the same hash, with the hard rule that any action taken against one account would be applied to any account with the same hash. Would literally solve the issue people have with potential for abuse.
Imo, it should be limited to one account only. Not multiple. Many people will simply verify for other people. I rather have it 'safe' and less chance of running into someone who has been verified by a friend of theirs while not being above the age of 18, which we all know will definitely happen on quite a big scale if people can verify more than once.
The only solution I see for this which could be; Allow people to retract their verification status and then be able to put it on an other account.
Upvote, theres plenty of reasons for a person to have a secondary account age verified
heres some examples
Content Creator account
different groups of friends
an account for the more intimate activities (but you still want your other account to not be restricted from certain worlds or groups you enjoy)
drama following your accounts
Safe haven accounts
so many other possible reasons
I think if not allowing two accounts to be verified under the same ID, a system could be implemented to connect your Alt to your main, anonymously, that way its attached to the age verified account but still not connected visibly to other people
I think that if people are allowed to verify multiple accounts, then if ANY of those accounts with their hash get reported for an underage person using them, ALL the accounts that person has under their hash should get banned and their ID permanently locked out of verification. No second chances. PERIOD. I really don’t want to see this feature get all crapped up by idiots verifying their damn kids’ accounts.
What would be the point of the age verification if you can just give it to other accounts or people? wouldn't that just defeat the purpose of it?
squeakop the same way they can use id of a friend to verify themselves, it doesnt defend purpose of anything, just makes it cheaper basically
UPDATE 1/28/2025
VRC has allowed VRC+ subscribers to verify their accounts. (
However I'm extremely disappointed in seeing the FAQ after feeling good with the discussions in the prior months that they were open to finding a solution for those of us with other accounts for other purposes/anonymity among larger creators.
We'll see if this goes anywhere in the future, but my hopes for it happening are not high if they're proceeding with the current rollout.
This has just left a sour taste in my mouth for now. :\
Miss Widgey
berserkbrandee From what it looks like all the FAQs on the post are literally just copy and pasted from previous posts including the follow-up questions regarding how they're considering hashes to allow multiple account verification.
I'm gonna keep sharing and posting this Canny and others should too. While I'm disappointed they haven't given more updates about this specifically I'm hoping that keeping the pressure up will show them that the community wants this.
Miss Widgey
Still hoping for this especially with the implementation of the hashing system. Being able to safely engage with communities on all of our accounts would be so nice.
Given the updated FAQ ( mentions an updated method using hashes, and within that section-:
"Why do you need the hash?"
Enable multiple accounts: We can allow users to have more than one verified account using the same ID. Previously, this would have required keeping your full ID data with Persona. While this is not planned for initial launch, we are considering the feedback that you have given us.
-it seems this idea is, at least from the VRC team's point of view, technically feasible. 'm adding my 2 cents to also encourage implementation of this given other comments regarding alts, performer/personal accounts, accounts used for technical/recording purposes, and so on. It will reduce friction for various communities that host events and/or performances, for sure.
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