[1137] Friends list not updating
Unsure if isolated to the beta, but I have been in a world for a few hours and noticed the friends list in not only the wing but the social tab as well weren't updating. Shows friends still online that I know aren't and old locations in the wing tab.
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I've had this damn issue for so long... like I just wish they would add a force refresh button or SOMETHING rather than useless features that no one asks for, just feels like this issue keeps getting pushed back and ignored or when it does get fixed, it just returns after a few builds, restarting more than once in a session is such a pain on weekends especially..
A force refresh button would be sooo nice
I have had this problem years now, for me it happens if I lay my headset down a couple of hours and my avatar is AFK, vrchat should really fix a button in the settings that force refresh the friend list the can set a limit that you can use it only 1 time and you need to wait 6 hours before you can use it again so the server doesn’t get spammed, and it should be under Debug in settings maybe this can force the vrchat program to start syncing friend status list to start refreshing again, otherwise the only way for me to get this to work is to restart the program
Now with the latest version, it is updating, but sometimes it breaks, when the UI is messed up and anyone is shown in the same world. That's not a big deal, but sometimes it does confuse people.
I have this issue on all regular builds and the betas for the last 3 months, as well as many friends experiencing it. It prevents invites from being received/sent but I confirm the invites are being sent & received via VRCX
I had this issue today on Build 1275, it lasted for over 30 minutes and did not recover unless I restarted VRChat.
I have already disabled IPv6 on Cloudflare.
100の人: Same here. IPv6 disabled. The only solution I've found is restarting the game.
Build 1236 Menu Beta Here: I have noticed this bug happening to me fairly often. mostly after an about 5 second "lag" where every person in the instance freezes, but vrc recovers and continues working.
After this freeze the social menu stops updating, changing avatars and loading other joining players avatars works fine tho.
(this has been happening even before the EAC Update.)
in he logs I can find this line after that lag spike happened:
2022.09.08 22:17:53 Error - [API] [311, 401, Get, 2] Request Finished with Error!
No Exception
{{"error":{{"message":"\"Missing Credentials\"","status_code":401}}}}
i'll log down my exact local time next time it happens with the log file when the lag spike happenes.
my network connection is a German Telkekom DLS + 4G Hybrid connection. usually high latency variation between packets or sometimes packageloss in a burst, but recoveres quickly.
this has been observed by me and my friend simultaniously (same local network) and we both get this lag and the not updateing friendlist at the same time (twice today)
logs when it happened to me today can be downloaded here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AogimKdf6oL_zvUAIv_LsXl5kDaY4w?e=0ovaId
~ Lupsoris ~
In any case, it should be noted that this problem isn't only with the wings menus.. it's general in the social where friends are never updated. So if someone will disconnect, it will never be updated..
~ Lupsoris ~: Little bit of a correction to the end part here, it will correct itself eventually, but it takes hours for the refresh to sync up the social menu to the API.
So the issue is even worse than I imagined and because of this, I _REALLY_ hope it gets bumped to top priority. Pay attention to the 'Online (X)' count in the images below.
First image is just before I restarted VRC
Second image is immediately after.
I hope this is still very much on the radar because it's still occuring heavily as of build 1149.
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