[1495] Toggles failing to sync properly for remote users
It seems like certain toggles on my and other people's avatars are not showing up properly since around Monday. They are unable to see the mesh and audio of a prefab, I am able to see the mesh but not hear the audio. I haven't updated the avatar in many weeks, which leads me to believe it could be a problem with the networking. It only affects 1 avatar with the prefab, and I have another version which works properly and it set up the same. Spoke with the prefab author and it seems many other people are having this problem. Unsure exactly what causes it. This bug happens on current Open Beta (1503) and Live builds (1495).
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This I believe to be the same issue as https://feedback.vrchat.com/bug-reports/p/suddenly-empty-expression-menu-on-some-avatars-despite-not-doing-any-changes-in, of which is now fixed, just takes some time to recheck affected avatars and clear from cache. See that post for full details.
needs more information
Can you provide an example avatar ID?
StormRel Sure. This is the avatar where it does NOT work (ppl can't see or hear it, and I can't hear it)
This is another variant with almost the same setup and it DOES work perfectly, everyone can see/hear it.
moonorama: I took a look at both avatars, that first one definitely checked within the period where the animator corruption was occurring, the later was as well however has already been rechecked. I've manually queued up the first to be rechecked, so pending you clear your client cache and restart it should be fixed
euan Did a cache clear and restart but it still isn't playing any audio on my end. Tried a reupload and that unfortunately didn't do it either. Should I try reinstalling the asset or should I keep waiting for a bit longer? Sucks it hasn’t gone back to normal yet.
moonorama: hmm, I'll take a look on my end and see if I can reproduce the issue
moonorama: after trying to reproduce the issue I can't seem to figure out how to make it play any sound (though I've only tried in desktop so far). Just in case as well I've manually queued the first avatar to be rechecked again (unsure if maybe I sent the wrong one to get rechecked). So guidance on how to produce the issue on that avatar would be good and if you want to try another cache clear it _might_ do something this time
euan Hi! The audio should be working now on my end, but I have yet to see what it is like from other people's side.
Update: it works now! Thank you so much for the help! Greatly appreciate all you devs do :D