[1604] TMP Inputfield "On End Edit" does not fire in client
When using a Text Mesh Pro Input Field the "On End Edit" event does not fire in client, in client sim however it does.
This is even weirder to me as the VRC URL Input Field does fire the "On End Edit" event, even in client.
Expected Behaviour:
"On End Edit" on a Text Mesh Pro Input Field should fire in client.
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DrBlackRat Does this happen on live clients too, or only the 1604 beta?
_tau_ live too, which is why I didn’t put it in the open beta category
The only way around this issue seems to be to use "On Value Changed"... but that comes with it's own issues.
- Changing the text / clearing out the text requires you to use "SetTextWithoutNotify" as otherwise you end up with two changed events.
- Testing in editor becomes close to impossible....