Index Controllers & Pimax HMDs - finger tracking and controller bindings not working in VRChat
The latest version of PiTool (144 beta) which was supposed to fix compatibility issues with the Index controllers with Pimax headsets did not fix finger tracking or gesture toggle support in VRChat, and it seems like the default bindings for gesture toggle, turning and movement are not working according to the documented behavior.
Other applications which support finger tracking (e.g. SteamVR Home, Aperture Hand Labs, etc) are working correctly.
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Fixed by updating to PiTool 180 beta.
Please note that we do not directly support PiTool, as it is external to SteamVR and does not operate within the confines of typical SteamVR specifications.
Pimax has released a new beta version of their PiTool software (180) which has fixed index controller compatibility issues in VRChat.
If you sideload the controllers along the pimax driver with the lighthouse driver (Four controllers will show up), use OpenVR-SpaceCalibrator to line them up, and disable the pimax controller copies with OpenVR-InputEmulator, you can actually use finger tracking. It seems like this is a bug where VRChat will only accept finger tracking from the lighthouse driver. Its as if it has been hardcoded specifically for that driver. Can we please get a fix? This is the same issue with SDraws Leap Motion Index emulator on github.
Plumped: can you please explain the sideloading process? I am about to give up on this whole thing.
Describing it is too much in a comment, but I can consider making a video later on.
Atiron: Made a video for a workaround here. Its not a clean process, but its a working one.
confirmed. works fine with hotdogs and horseshoes and arizona sunshine, not with vrchat
I have a knuckles dv and never have the issue on vive, but when i switched back to my pimax i have the same issue, it works in steam vr home and other games fine, vrchat seems to not properly recognize the controllers and thinks they are vive wands?...
This also seems to have previously been an issue with the Knuckles dev kits -