Index Hand IK shows fine locally but displaying Quest handshapes for others
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- Open VRChat,
- Join a world with an Index controller user
- Have them make a series of hand gestures and see if they are able to properly articulate their fingers individually or if the quest handshapes are shown.
I've noticed over the past few weeks, alongside a few other friends, that the hand IK is having some issues when displaying handshapes to other users. It seems to primarily be affecting Index controllers. Locally I will see what I am doing fine, but others report that I am doing a different gesture. I have seen this issue happen with other users as well.
An example I have from a Helping Hands class for VRASL: the teacher was showing a sign which I knew was done with another hand shape, but I saw the teacher using a "C" hand, which is the sort of cupped hand shape that Quest controllers usually have. I knew the teacher used Index controllers so I was confused and tried hiding his avatar and showing it, fixing the issue in this instance.
Hiding and showing seems to fix the issue in most instances but having to do that every time is a huge hassle, if you can even identify that the bug is occurring.
This issue is a big detriment to clarity in communication between people in the sign language community, as it's very difficult to tell if the issue is occurring until you've communicated for a while and realize that what they're saying makes no sense. It is also frustrating for users to have differences between what they're seeing and what others are seeing in general.
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I can also confirm that this affects Quest hand tracking as well. Half the time when I use it, half of people will still see me using Quest controller gestures and the other half will see the actual hand tracking. Hiding and showing also fixes this but it is a huge pain.
Should also mention that I use both Index and hand tracking and have encountered both these issues before.
I'm on beta (1582). And 3 Friends on live build (1 VR, 2 Desktop).
First avatar my friend put on: we all could see index finger tracking.
Second Avatar my friend put on:
* For them locally and for another one on desktop it was working
* For me and another one on desktop it wasn't working
Merged in a post:
Occasional Loss of Finger Tracking for Remote Users with Index Controllers
Occasionally, when a remote user is using Index controllers, their finger tracking stops functioning, causing their avatar to display only the generic VRChat hand gesture poses to observers—even though finger tracking is enabled in the settings. This issue can be resolved by re-showing the affected user's avatar.
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We'll need a bit more info to track this one down. Do you know if this always happens to a specific avatar? If so, do you have an avatar ID? It is theoretically possible to build this behaviour out of Tracking State Control behaviours in an Animator...
Without a repro otherwise this is a tough one to crack.
_tau_ I've got this avatar which I've personally had people mention on multiple occasions that my hands were stuck in quest shapes.
_tau_ As far as specifics I'm not sure but I did observe it happening to my avatar while watching a friend's stream.
_tau_ Seem to be related to who load the avatar first and the Tracking control behavior.
In the case of some version of gogo loco, tracking control is set to animate on the first locomotion state. It can turn off finger tracking remotely. Removing that behavior seem to fix the issue.
Something changed recently since it was not doing this before.
_tau_ unfortunately it doesn't seem avatar specific. I've been seen it happen to tupper's avatar.
Franada do you happen to remember around how long ago you became aware of the changed behavior on those avatars?
Kung The oldest report post on my server about it was on the 2024-12-19.
Some report say to force tracking of the fingers by doing an emote for exemple will turn back on the fingers tracking remotely.
Kazy Well, they use gogo last time I checked.
been seeing this bug on a few index users as well, its hard to catch unless im signing
This also seems to happen with hand tracking as well.
Funny... I've had the opposite issue. Locally my hands have sometimes reverted to Quest gestures for less than a second, while everyone else still saw my fingers being tracked.