If object set as targetLocation in SendRPC TeleportTo component is not currently active, the change in the component is not saved. The field is blank after deselecting and selecting object with VRC_Trigger again.
  1. Create a scene and add Object Sync component to any object
  2. Create any object and addd VRC_Trigger, set SendRPC action - TeleportTo
  3. Create any empty and make it inactive in Unity
  4. Drag and drop inactive empty into targetLocation field in VRC_Trigger component
  5. Select any object in scene, but the one with VRC_Trigger
  6. Select the object with VRC_Trigger again and inspect tragetLocation window - notice that changes to tragetLocation are not saved
Expected Result: Changes are saved whether or not the objects in scene are set as active
Repro Rate: 100%