Springjoints broken on new uploads
Uploading an avatar with a springjoint causes the springjoint to not function as of some time this morning or last night.
No changes to the SDK version or Unity version seems to change anything. Several people independently just tested this with their own separate springjoint reliant prefabs.
Existing avatars with springjoints seem to work fine still. However, they break on reupload, even if nothing is changed.
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Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Our server-side avatar checks got a tad trigger happy, but we fixed this now. You can reupload your avatar to make it work again right away, existing avatars should be fixed over the course of a few hours from now. You may need to clear your client's content cache to force a redownload on affected avatars if you don't reupload.
Avatar ID of an example avatar that is broken is: avtr_84ac824c-c38c-4c57-8332-2baa7dad360f
And here are before/after videos, the projector over my shoulder is what uses the springjoint.
Before: https://youtu.be/hMWobi2UAgk
After: https://youtu.be/pdo2hCpZh4w
can confirm, I discovered this myself. please fix :)