This started happening in the Eatable Food prefab:
The custom triggers no longer appear to reference the object THE VOID, in this example, even in debug mode. However, the logs during play show that the TeleportTo is looking for that THE VOID transform.
To fix, the entire VRC Trigger component must be deleted and rebuilt. This may be related to the fact that the food is a prefab? Have not been able to get a TeleportTo trigger to work properly in this scene even if the target is contained in the prefab.
To recreate the behavior in this scene, just make a TeleportTo of any sort (custom trigger, or OnEnable trigger, etc), put in a transform in the Target field, then delete that transform gameobject and put in a new one in the TeleportTo Target field. The first gameobject transform will try to be called at runtime, and the TeleportTo will fail.