[1236] Add a "Join random world" button in Random Worlds
Add a "Join random world" functionality/button in Random Worlds subtab of Worlds tab that would instantly teleport you to a random world. This would be a fun feature that sounds easy to implement. The button could be placed e.g. next to the "Shuffle" button in that same subtab. I believe this feature used to exist a long time ago.
(Maybe even add one for dropping random portals in case you want to go a bit wild with friends?)
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This would be good content
would love it if it only brought you to worlds that had people in it
I like this. A little spontaneity
cool man
I'm all for this honestly. Having a button that when pressed, would drop you into a public instance of
world uploaded and published (including Labs worlds would be opt-in) to VRChat would be nice to have. Could also incorporate this with portal dropping to further enhance the world hopping experience. So for example, in general the feature (VRChat Roulette?) would work like thisPressing join would immediately have you travel to a random public world, what world it would be is a surprise until you see the initialization screen.
Pressing drop portal would start portal placement and you won't know what the world will be until you drop the portal.
Of course, could have this feature come with a warning similar to community labs.
It's not a bad idea, but I feel it'd need to come from a very curated list. Let's say anything in the Trending, Games and Classics panels.
Otherwise random players can wind up in some very bad places.
Whaddageek: I think it should just pick any world that's not in the labs. Going to the Random Worlds section already exposes you to the same possible worlds and "bad places" as the button would.
Patroll: That's a failing of the existing system then, not a reason it should remain as-is.
Whaddageek: I disagree pretty hard with that. This button would be for people who understand the "risk" and do not care. It's intrinsically understood that if you go to a completely random world you are gonna find some crazy stuff.
The whole point of a random button is that I
don't want to
go to worlds from a curated list. I want to see something I haven't before, whatever that might be. If I as a user want to open myself up to chaos, I should be allowed to do so. On that note, I'd like this button to have an option to include labs worlds, as well.