Feature Requests

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Age Verification/NSFW Content
I'm going to get straight to the point on this one. On a platform like VRChat, NSFW stuff is going to happen, no matter what the terms says and no matter what is/isn't allowed. People are going to do this no matter what you do and in fact it already does happen... all the time. I feel the best solution to the problem is some sort of age verification as well as usage of the NSFW tags in the SDK for avatars and worlds. The use of the age verification system would let users set their birth date or just their age and would automatically filter out content with any NSFW tags along with the option to hide birth dates and ages either from everyone or people that aren't friends or both. The report system would be a way to get around issues with this as well as users showing proof with ID so that false reports do not occur. Plus with this system, legally the situations players find themselves in would fall upon the players themselves rather than VRChat, especially if you make a disclaimer specifying this in the terms. As it currently stands, potentially the legal issues fall on VRChat for not enforcing the terms enough to filter out NSFW content and this would resolve the issue entirely. It's only a matter of time before something happens in-game and VRChat gets sued. I'm no lawyer, but it doesn't take one to know stuff like this happens. As for NSFW Content Filters, this would also solve the issue for adults that do not want to see certain NSFW content. Again, making it legally their responsibility rather than VRChat's responsibility. Making use of the check boxes in the SDK would make it much easier for this filter to work. There's honestly no good reason for this to not already be a feature in VRChat beyond lack of time as I know it does take time to implement something like this and some effort on the team's part, but this would solve a lot of potential future issues and I'd rather not see this platform in the same position as the Titanic, thinking everything is going great and then one thing happens and it's all over. Edit: I'd like to also add at this point that most VRChat users, or at least from what I've seen, actually don't care if NSFW stuff is in VRChat. Most people generally have a "keep it in the bedroom" sort of mentality where they're fine with it if it's not in their face. I've in fact seen many NSFW avatars in public worlds as well as NSFW discussions and other content in public worlds and people just don't care because the users, avatars, and worlds stay in VRChat without being reported or anything. There is literally no way around NSFW content and this is the only solution that makes sense: Just allow it and use content filters and age verification.


Different availability statuses for different favorites lists
tl;dr: A separate status for "Online Friends" not in any favorites groups, and separate statuses for each favorites group. The highest level of availability applies to people in multiple favorites groups. This is a suggestion I've heard floating around a lot but haven't seen posted (unless I missed it). It's often repeated nowadays that VRChat isn't as fun as before due to everybody being on orange / unavailable. As somebody who is always on orange myself, I stay on that status for two reasons. The first is that I accept friend requests from kind people I don't necessarily know too well who I wouldn't want to mix with my close friends. The second is to keep some friends groups separate either due to them explicitly stating so or just my own judgement. I would like to instead have a different set of statuses for different people I can set as needed. For instance, if I'm streaming I would be unavailable to most but joinable by a list of people I trust to be in my stream. If I were just hanging out and relaxing I would only be available to join by people I'm very close to. And I could have a different status on a favorites list of people I trust to join me in any situation. I think most people on orange have a lot of friends they would trust to join them in most cases, but their friends list is so full that they have to be selective. I know most people now see orange as unavailable and won't even send the request out of not wanting to be rejected. I think having different statuses for different people / favorites lists would clear a lot of this up and bring some of the fun back. This would be an effective resolution to the "orange status" problem even if it were only applied to one favorites list.
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