[1237] Allow hud elements to be freely moved and scaled
The new HUD notifications and icons are great! But now, all the icons are smaller, and have moved around slightly. This affects vision impaired people a lot, making text hard to read and potentially pushing HUD elements into their blind spots if they have them.
It'd be really great if we could resize and move elements of the new HUD, such as the mic icon, invite and request notification icons, the new notification toasts (we can already move those but not scale them), etc
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This is a related Canny.
I think you can handle this at the same time by providing the appropriate setting options.
Strasz - Community Team
Strasz - Community Team: I think you can merge this.
Strasz - Community Team
A change like this would realistically be a pretty huge effort -- and could end up having some serious undesirable impacts across VRChat. With that said, we see the intent here and absolutely think it's worth addressing -- it's just something that would have to happen after a lot of design discussion. We'll have to put more thought into this one.
Strasz - Community Team: Why do you label everything that helps the visually impaired in this game "potentially undesirable"?
Strasz - Community Team: it can work for those who want to edit there quick menu and from what i see there can be added a menu lock and unlock function for settings that arent listed yet in the quick menu
White Lotuz
Merged in a post:
The HUD feels distant and small relative to Menu 1.
It feels far away from the view, blends in with the scenery, and is easy to miss. And it feels small.
This is a big negative for visibility and makes me miss the occasional Join-Leave notification.
It should be at least as large and far away as the world UDON gimmick.
It should be possible to specify the distance and size of the HUD as a customizable item that is best suited for each individual.
White Lotuz
Merged in a post:
[1236] Add more HUD options
With higher FOV Headsets (Index, Vive Pro/Pro 2, Pimax), the Microphone is closer to the middle of the screen, compared to the old HUD or it atleast feels like it.
Please add options to scale and/or move the HUD, similar to the personal face mirror. As in the current state the microphone icon is "in the way".
Edit: Another consideration should be to curve the HUD, which would make it feel more immersive.
I wouldn't mind being able to place face mirror further out in the periphery of my vision as well
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Yes please. The new position of the mic icon is too central and distracting. I would like to be able to move it back to its old position.
Same goes for the desktop version btw. The HUD is way to prominent, it should be "out of the way".
Added a topic regarding notifications, asking that only text not be transparent.
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