Action Emotes
What I am suggesting is making a new icon called "Actions" located in the menu these will act like emotes but instead these actions will last indefinitely until you move your avatar or a possible cancel action button. Emotes in VRChat are animations and last only a certain amount of time. Example the basic "dance" emote last 5 seconds and then must be repeated again and again to emulate the avatar dancing. While with "actions" the selected emote or gesture will last forever in a repeating cycle for a more fluid experience compared to pressing an emote constantly. For example besides dancing you could set actions like laying down or sitting. This is very popular in other social games and RPGs. Where the avatar will be set to "sit" which it will do on the floor of the world. Your perspective will chance to that even in desktop / VR until broken by movement or "cancel Action button". A good example would be to have a lay down action where your avatar lays down flat on their back to look up. Imagine laying down and looking up at the stars or sky. You can't do this in Desktop and it's difficult in VR to do this. A simple action can alter gameplay and increase immersion. Another great idea would be "Sit Ledge" Imagine being on a map like presentation room or near a edge and you want to sit on it with your legs dangling. Well with this "action" you can sit and of course it depends on the pathing / world. Just imagine all the interesting actions you can do like "kneeling" where your avatar will kneel or bow indefinitely for more immersive gameplay I truly believe in this idea and concept. It will greatly improve the game and help with RP / immersion. Again, later down the road players would be allowed to make their own custom "actions" just like with emotes.
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This (and so much more) is now possible with the Avatars 3.0 update!
I played around with avatars 3.0 and there's a lot of stuff you can do and you can manipulate your viewpoint now too it seems.
If this could be made so it could be custom that would rock! Emotes can't currently do permanent material changes and it would be awesome to make that possible.
Anything to increase the number of animation slots gets my upvote.
Can't wait to add toggleable headlights, nightvision, and gunner sights to my tanks!
any updates?
Elegant Blossom
I want to add to this idea that, for example, when you're lying down you could benefit from the action not breaking or turning off when you move or do anything. A checkbox "Turn off Animations on movement" could fix this easy and the only way when it's turned on is use an "off" button in the system for the action or click the same emote again to cancel it~
I think that would be really useful to add when you decide to implement this idea~
>A good example would be to have a lay down action where your avatar lays down flat on their back to look up.
Well, you can actually replace your prone idle animation with laying on your back right now, but of course that replaces the prone animation completely. A nice solution if possible for somebody on the floor would be an animation pose chosen based on the orientation of your headset, if possible. Being on your back and then the animation being on your front, prone is a bit jarring.
Now if we were able to set a pose from a set of actions, but was still able to move our arms/head, it would work pretty well for this scenario too.
This was actually planned before launch. The death animation was supposed to remain dead until you moved or did another emote. It's just lower priority than tons of other things we're trying to get done at the moment. But it's on the list. Looping animations. Animations that play once and remain on last frame or last loop. etc.