Allow uploading your own animation controller for humanoids
The Unity animation override system is pretty shit and does not allow for much freedom when creating your own animations.
I would like us to be able to upload our own animation controller for humanoid avatars.
Me (Lather) and Smoothie are having issues with out custom animations due to this and to quote hackspanner:
"Its the Unity animation override system
I think as a fix we could allow you to upload your own animation controller (like for non humans). but then it would have to be an exact copy of the Template with everything filled in. And we can't provide you with any of the animations because they are licensed. For something like a robot without hands its probably okay, but a human character would have to replicate everyone of the crouches and hand gestures. that's a lot of animations to add."
I don't mind making a bunch of my own animations and this would allow us to make some pretty cool complex avatars.
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Possible with Avatar 3.0
This would be great, plus it would be greatly complemented by the old system of adding a VRC_KeyTrigger (basically allowing you to bind unused or any key to the modification of an animator variable).
So I could be a mech and be able to open our close my cockpit, or as suggested below, change between animation sets (even if it was alternate animations for the base set of animation states)
Similiar post just slightly more in depth:
Also posted something there myself, dont wanna double post the same stuff.
Merged in a post:
Custom mecanim animation controller
The animation overrides are quite limited in what you can achieve with animation.
I'd like to create my own mecanim animation controller in order to make fluid animation transitions.
Eg. Jumping while idle/walking/running/strafing should look different, animation overrides does not provide an option to achieve this.
It would also be nice if we had more advanced custom scripting options for dynamic animation.
Eg. You could have a character switch to a "stumbling" animation set after doing a drinking motion to imply that they're drunk.
Kalista Phoenix
I also agree. The controller I have currently seems to work flawlessly, but once I upload into VRchat, my walk animations freak out and spin wildly when I try and walk left, right, or diagonally.
Reda Ou
This would be great, especially if we can code custom animation parameters. This is my number one feature request right now.
What is especially frustrating about this is that there is no indication in the SDK that you cannot do this. So unless you expreiment for hours trying to get it to work you might not realise it won't work.