Articulation Body component should be added to the whitelist.
The Articulation Body component is new in Unity 2020.1.
This component is suitable for creating articulated arms, etc., and allows for more precise and stable movement than the traditional RigidBody/Joint connection.
With this component, flexibility of mechanical movements such as robotic arms, which previously could be performed only by baking with animation or by somehow connecting RigidBodies, will be greatly increased.
Especially, RigidBodies were undesirable in terms of both functionality and performance, as their movements became very unstable when many RigidBodies were connected together.
Although gimmicks such as sub-arms are popular in avatar gimmicks, they are currently confined to following the arm with Constraint or playing back baked animations, but with the implementation of Articulation Body, more complex movements are expected to become possible.
In addition, more accurate simulation of joints may enable manufacturing and other companies to demonstrate their products and manufacturing processes on VRChat.
Translated with (free version)
Articulation Body コンポーネントをホワイトリストに追加してください。
Unity 2020.1から新たにArticulation Body コンポーネントが追加されました。
アバターギミックでも、サブアームなどのギミックは人気ですが、Constraintで腕に追従させるかベイクしたアニメーションを再生するくらいが現状では関の山ですが、Articulation Bodyが実装されることで、より複雑な動きが可能になることが予想されます。