Content Gated Photosensitive/Epilepsy Warning using Tagging system
Allow people to automatically filter avatars and worlds marked with an epilepsy warning would be great for safety and creators may feel safer to go harder on effects such as lightning.
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even as a non epileptic i agree.
We all know how flashy animations can be
As an Epileptic and an animation lover myself, we need some kind of warning system for people to toggle off the ability to see certain animations that might affect their Epilepsy... my suggestion is to have some kind of toggle when uploading avatars to set specific animations to ha e Epileptic warnings and be able to not be viewed by people who have an active Epilepsy toggle on their own account...
This should be an option, as I am an animator creating hardstyle animations in VRChat for worlds and avatars. We need an option to flag animations, as I have epilepsy and many animations include screen effects, audio, particle prefabs, and even Doppel prefabs with shaders, which can be problematic.
This option should be a priority, as it is essential to support animators like myself. Without animators creating high-quality avatars and worlds, VRChat wouldn’t have grown as much as it has today. Removing or limiting these creative tools could cause animators to lose interest, which would negatively impact the platform's future.
can see my example im make but this option needs be featured adding so tupper if see this make this feature ASAP - preview needs have filters in vrchat help people
Jasper Raine
I'm surprised this still hasn't been added yet. I feel like this is something that really needs to be added considering the medium VRChat is. I would personally benefit from this as I can get migraines from stuff like this. I'm also aware people have already had seizures in VRChat.
Agree fully, sometimes topiromate just necessary to play vrc, lol.
Even better to also implement a
global flag
that can be seen by avatars and world scripts, so authors can read it and adapt content for demands dimming flashes, reducing animations speed, disabling some features, etc.A
This would be so helpful and don’t understand why this ain’t a feature yet
Stellar Estella
YES!! I have a friend who has photosensitivity epilepsy so it's very hard for us to go to colorful world without warnings of flashing lights sometimes, even on avatars too. I think this should just be not only for people with epilepsy but for anyone whose eyes are just sensitive to lights in general, like them getting lightheaded, headaches, and possible meltdowns from these. Personally I don't have epilepsy but my eyes are sensitive to lots of flashing lights.
I'm mildly epileptic so this would be highly useful and honestly would just make it easier for many users who struggle with bright flashing lights. This should have been a thing for a while now.
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