Custom Moderation messages for Warnings/Kicks
It would be nice to be able to warn a player in group instances but with a little message why they are being warned, same with being kicked. It would be really helpful for groups to that because they can address the issue from a distance especially in game type worlds. Me as a group owner I struggle a little to get users to listen to warnings, having the custom message thing will help a lot with moderation and will help the user realize what they are doing wrong.
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Having the ability to send a warning gets ones attention in a way a verbal warning can't. Let's them know that someone there does have the authority to remove them from the instance. Providing an explanation is something that we should have been able to do when the feature was first added. I mean, it seems so obvious and a lot of other platforms have been doing it for about 20 years so VRChat only having half the feature when the future launched is kind of weird