Custom scripting in SDK
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This will be implemented via Udon scripting.
gg67: oh woo that sounds awesome. When do you think this will happen? Is there anymore information about this?
rotus Thexmaster
rotus Thexmaster: Regarding Udon timeline - while we don't have firm dates, we did talk about a timeline in our latest blog post. Check it out here!
Like folks folks have said, the potential for abuse is large (even if its just a few people doing it) - Yet, I think you are right to request this - so is there a compromise? I think that having privately hosted worlds would at least keep the abuse on a single site AND through a registration process make the developers known and have a history with the community. Credit card info / background checks also possible options. VRChat has an audience, businesses and universities might sign on if they had more control over their sites. (aka generate revenue - bring in larger projects - projects that require old time VRChatters to play a role in - aka the history with the community part :)
There's a completely different approach to scripting I've seen, namely have an in-world object contain a WebSocket URL which lets the VR client connect to a server on the 'net to allow the server to 'remote control' that object and be notified on triggers (collision, being picked up ect...)
The limits of the communication protocol would define what the program can or cannot do with the user's device or the world it displays, plus it would offload the script processing to an outside resource, and the script writer wouldn't be bound to specific Unity components with all their licensing hassles.
Wieauchimmer: That's what "writing your own original code and inject it into VRChat" is for.
Unfortunately, doing that makes VRChat a free-for-all that would allow various malicious groups to more easily add 'cheats' and 'hacks' into VRChat.
AKA. Why we can't have nice things.
Using c# directly is slightly dangerous. I would suggest using some kind of inbuilt language, and some permission-security of corse. A simple and safely sandboxed instruction set could be implemented fairly simply.
If they add that udon thing they said they have planned, which is an easy to use node tree type editor, that would be even better.
Rasmus Lindahl
I think everyone here would appreciate an update on how the progress is going.
An update on this would be great but it shouldn’t be limited to only worlds. If this can’t be done because of security issues that's understandable, tell us instead of letting us wonder for a year whats happening. I have an alternative proposal, though, white-list script components from popular Unity assets packs such and KriptoFX. If you can allow dynamic bones, i don't see how that is different.
Kasaishiri: Kinda requires them to buy a license for each asset. I don't think they want to spend that sort of money. Especially with just the popular must-have assets alone, I've spent at least $1000 of my company money in a single shot (this is covering all aspects of development).
I know they have the "chump change" to do it, but $1000 isn't a small amount of money, and furthermore, when updates happen, what happens when VRChat is still on an older version of an asset? They aren't exactly allowed to just give us older copies of whatever assets they're using. The Unity Asset store is still lacking in that you CANNOT download previous versions of assets (of which I end up relying on p-word sites for).
I'm still amateur at scripting but would love to see this in place and maybe additionally for avatars but have it so script can be set to local only in which case it needs no review or if you want it to have an effect for everyone it has to pass some requirements or else it will be set to local.
Is this still in development?
SunflowerTwix: I think they're focusing on Udon for now.
I hope they do this. It would make vrchat better.
Alex Gwartney
Delete123: So do I it would allow so much more interesting things to do with others.
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