Discord Rich Presense (World/User Info on Discord)
Discord has something live now called Rich Presence, which is pretty much this:
- You play a game and it's picked up by Discord ('Now Playing')
- It will have a symbol next to that game (meaning it's using Rich Presence)
- You click that user and it will tell info about what he's playing, the world/map he's on and other info like how many players is there etc..
It would be a nice touch to VRChats Discord
Doc about it - https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/rich-presence
Would require:
- Run VRChat through Steam
- Discord Game Detection enabled for VRChat [User Settings -> Games -> VRChat Overlay On & Status Message On]
I would also like to suggest that VRChat partnered with Discord, we do have the user base for it, so why not :D
*Image below shows an example of its usage.
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The first implementation of Discord (and Steam!) Rich Presence was added in VRChat 2020.4.2. It shows your status, instance count when privacy allows, and supports embedded joins/invites!
Ruuubick - Designer
in progress
Currently available to test in open beta !
someone in my discord server uses some mod to have rich presence, here's screenshot, (comparison of current and modded)
ayaldev: I know that cat!
any updates about this?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
We're well aware of this feature and have explored it somewhat. There are some small roadblocks that would require changes on Discord's side for full feature integration, but they aren't stoppers.
However, we aren't actively working on this right now-- although this may change in the future.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Digging up old cannys, just curious, what is the full feature integration the team is looking for?
PhaxeNor: Discord does not allow dynamic assets for the picture that shows up in Rich presence, so showing the current world icon wouldn't work (also it's limited to 128 I believe?), I guess that'd be one of them.
ధ evl_you666۞ ෆ
here is the Youtube for it this tells how to do it ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGF-L0iEBH4
and GitHub link https://github.com/Pizzabelly/EasyRP
This is especially valuable for a social app such as VRChat
from social platforms like Discord, and (if I recall) options to join games in progress that appear in other games using Rich Presence integrated into VRChat may be a streamlined way to join worlds that friends are in -with just a click. This already exists in a way off of the website. The "vrchat://launch" protocol is already implemented there and in-use.Please continue to consider this.
It's a little touch that could go a long way.
There is now/has been a mod that achieves this, and it just further shows the appeal in-action.
Obviously not something to use as it breaks rules of VRC, but: given how difficult it doesn't seem to have been (based off what I've learned) to make that addition.. I hope to see this soon.
Mute: Well there is still one (made by myself), and I'm also talking with the team to add the mod features to the game
It's also pretty simple to add to the game, as the library is really simple to use (See the discord RPC docs/exemples)
this would be amazing, hope they add this!
Discord Rich Presence sounds like a nice quality of life addition for people you meet and have on Discord, etc.
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