People don't want the performance ranking system to have a hard limit, it can stifle creativity. Sometimes a cool avatar needs to be Very Poor, I get that. At the same time, Very Poor avatars are often worn by non-creators who don't even know what it means, especially on Quest. There's also many Very Poor avatars that are Very Poor due to ignorance or negligence rather than for artistic reasons. Personally, lag can make me motion sick, being forced to choose between talking to robots or getting motion sick isn't a fun choice.
The easy answer is to just ban all Very Poor avatars. But that solution hurts a lot of creators. So what's the middle ground? I think that perhaps Very Poor avatars shouldn't be allowed to be marked as public, meaning they'd be unable to be put on a pedestal, and unable to be cloned. An exception perhaps being avatars that can be filtered down to other performance ranks. For example: avatars with too many dynamic bones, since dynamic bones can be filtered out easily.
Artists would still be able to upload and show off what they want to. But I don’t think it’s okay for that performance hit to be spread around. Especially on Quest, where the hardware really needs optimization. A lot of non-creator users don't understand what the performance rank means.
I understand this idea might get a lot of pushback on PC, but the Quest in particular really needs something like this. Nearly everyone is a robot on Quest, either PC only or Very Poor. It’s also discouraging for creators, why not upload a very poor Quest avatar as well if everyone is wearing them? It’s a problem that’ll keep getting worse the longer it’s not dealt with.