Improve avatar performance rating system, especially for cloth
Rating should include other aspects of avatar settings, like there is rating for cloth vertices, but cloth perform completely different with 500 vertices depending on:
- Use Gravity
- Continuous Collision
- Solver Frequency - ESPECIALLY this one.
I can make both avatar with 500 vertices that will be lagging as hell and ones that perform better than similar ones with dynamic bones, yet both of them will get same rating.
Same for some settings in dynamic bones, etc.
Please look into this, and create system for more advanced ratings, where one property can affect another one.
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Tony Benson
What does quest get out of this
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Self-collision (and inter-collision) also should be rated.
"Self-collision and inter-collision can take a significant amount of the overall simulation time." (
Same thing with dynamic bones, update rate isn't taken into account. :)