Recalibrate button on already-in-use avatars for full-body tracking
Full Body Tracking requires some trail and error to get just right. It's annoying to switch to another avatar and the having to apply the full-body tracking to that one before you are able to recalibrate the feature to the avatar you want it to be.
A way to recalibrate the tracking on an avatar you are using right now would be very helpful when troubleshooting different skeleton proportions.
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Added a "Calibrate" button in your Quick Menu as of 2019.3.2.
Ruuubick - Designer
in progress
Ruuubick - Designer
Ruuubick - Designer
Might I suggest replacing the "Standing/sitting play" button with a "Reset FBT", no reason for the standing/sitting button to even be there when in full body.
Merged in a post:
Add button to re-trigger FBT T-pose calibration
Sometimes, you make a mistake during T-pose calibration, and your FBT calibration is a bit off. Or the avatar may enter T-pose in an inconvenient location, such as partially clipping into an object, making it hard to align with the avatar. It would be very convenient if there was a faster way to re-enter T-pose to fix up calibration than switching into another avatar and back.
Or just a "reload active avatar" that completeley reloads the avatar like when you switch to a different one and back but it straight up loads the avatr you just used
The ability to toggle between 3/4/6 point tracking would be nice too, or just a simple FBT toggle. While we are at it requesting full body things again, would be good to look through this request for further potential fixes:
oh my there is one from 2017 for the rebind button. what a surprise /s:
ill throw this here too:
Totally, Why is this "rebind" not a thing yet, !
FloydianSound: It was a thing earlier in an open beta, then it was dropped.
ExDe707: do you know why it was dropped? I can't imagine a feature like this causing problems and it seems like something pretty simple to implement
viri: Most likely to prioritize on other issues. To be fair, the population of users with full body tracking is relatively small.
I can't believe this feature doesn't exist yet =/
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