Due to the recent announcement of anti-cheat; there is a very LOUD group of people angry.
Maybe a way to combat this is adding a Steam Workshop implementation; just like how Garry's Mod workshop is. Every addon can be manually reviewed and accepted. Instead of making things straight-up illegal, make it allowed through Steam Workshop and regulate it.
You should also be able to add a moderation system in Steam Workshop, so you can add users as moderators as you would as adding a Discord moderator.
This should ONLY add client-side features. For now, this feature should only be implemented through Desktop/Windows. You should also allow instance creators to allow certain addons while in-game.
Let's get a reference from U.S. history. For this example, I am treating mods as alcohol and VRChat as the U.S.. The U.S. banned it in the 18th amendment, yet that never stopped alcholol problems, it only made it more unsafe and unregulated. People started creating ways to avoid this law, like disguising their alcohol through water bottles or other ways. Many people were affected by trying to use medical alcholol as drinking alcohol. The 21st amendment allowed drinking, since the U.S. literally couldn't do anything to stop it, so instead they made it legal and regulated it.
In summary: Add Steam Workshop implementation for addons that affects the client. Add a system which Map creators can select addons to allow, meaning that if you load into a map where an addon is not allowed, the addon will be turned off until they go to another map that allows the addon.