SteamVR Input 2.0
available in future release
Currently, the Steam version of VRChat uses version
of the "SteamVR Unity Plugin". VRChat will upgrade to a newer version of this plugin.SteamVR Input 2.0 gives the Steam version of VRChat access to skeletal input data. It's a requirement for Hand tracking on SteamVR and Pico.
Steam users will gain access to SteamVR's input binding interface, allowing them to customize their controller inputs more easily.
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Fax Just checking in as it was previously mentioned this feature would come out soon.
Would this feature allow for skeletal posing when interacting with an object using the input data we receive? I.E: would the SteamVR Skeleton Poser work?
I've been wanting to make an archery game but this seems like it could be of use for a smooth fluid gameplay style that's immersive.
Spy45 SteamVR Input 2.0 won't come with additional Udon functionality - but it would definitely be cool if we had access to the skeleton poser! It would be great for pickups or door handles.
Not that the community is very large yet, but this feature is sorely needed for Apple Vision Pro users who only have hand tracking input.
"When your controllers are active, set their poseIsValid to true (unless your controller’s API provides better values for this, such as in the case the API you are using indicates a pose is low-confidence and should be rejected) and deviceIsConnected to true. Then set poseIsValid in your virtual hand to false, and your deviceIsConnected in your virtual hand to false" - from,deviceIsConnected%20in%20your%20virtual%20hand%20to%20false
I have a driver that binds the leap motion hand_isVisible status to the poseIsValid, how does vrchat behave when poseIsValid is set to false? do the hands freeze in place? what is the behaviour?
Kaycie Shchi
Which specific new version of Steam Input is being used if I may inquire?
available in future release
This will be available in a future release! (Probably not our
release, but the one after that.)We appreciate your patience ✋👁👄👁🤚
Fax this better be fully tested and not rushed
°sky This is a complex feature, so we'll run an open beta next month. If you notice any bugs, please report them here on Canny, and our team will do its best to fix them!
Fax thank you brother🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲
will this beta be like ik2 where our dearly beloved kung spent tireless hours ensuring each individual problem was addressed and fine tuned
Curious if this feature will get into the current release along side world constraints or will have to wait a bit longer still
We're making progress on this! We'd like to start an open beta next month, and release it publicly after that.
So, about the new input bindings. Would it be possible to bind SteamVR inputs to avatar parameters? Because if so, that would remove the requirement for external software to track SteamVR inputs for OSC outputs.
SteamVR Right Trigger
Bound to Rifle Trigger & Use Item (Right)
while you guys are developing this I think the community would really appreciate if gesture override inputs were also bindable in the even there's either a new controller or an unsupported controller for VRChat. It'd be nice to avoid the Reverb G2 fiasco again
Would this imply that Gesture Overrides will finally be exposed?
Spectral Owl
This is good. I know a lot of people will pleased with the improvements that skeletal input brings for finger tracking. But I'm hoping this will allow oddball setups such as allowing you to output gestures via the touchpad, or even create replacements for "Vive advanced control" for other controller types. This is still sorely lacking with existing setups. I achieve this right now via forcing steamvr to recognize my index controllers as Vive wands instead (Which wasnt easy to setup, the bindings are a mess in there and aren't even named correctly. I also have to forgo finger tracking as a result...)
I wrote a big canny on this in 2022. As somebody who is primarily mute, I am HIGHLY dependent on the ability to reliably output gestures in order to express myself. And I'm not alone because I know this is also in high demand in sign language communities. It'd be the dream to be able to have finger tracking, gesture outputs on touchpill AND dynamically rebindable gestures on the triggers for avatar puppeteering.
My Canny post in question:
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