voice chat silent areas shouldn't affect chatbox visibility
Chatbox currently gets disabled when entering a silent area in a world (disabled voice chat). World creators should be able to flag voice chat and the chatbox separately incase voice chat is unwanted but chatbox is wanted.
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please fix this!! earmuff mode and chat box removal should remain separate.
Hello the company VRChat
I am writing to express my admiration for the work done by VRChat.
Clarity of communication:
Allows you to clearly distinguish between when speech is active and when it is not, improving the understanding of conversations.
Reduces unnecessary visual distractions when no one is speaking, promoting concentration on the cat's written content.
Beneficial for people with auditory or visual processing difficulties, by allowing them to focus on the most relevant communication channel.
Offers users the option to choose whether or not they want to show the chat box during periods of voice silence.
Interruption management!
Helps to reduce visual interruptions during presentations or important discussions by temporarily hiding the chat box when no one is speaking.
Please accept, L'Entreprise VRChat, the expression of my highest consideration
Good for you
Getomeulou the CEO of MSLC
“Hello VRchat Company, I am writing to express my admiration for the work accomplished by VRchat.”
Clarity of communication:
Allows to clearly distinguish the moments when speech is active from those when it is not, improving the understanding of conversations.
Reduces unnecessary visual distractions when no one is speaking, promoting concentration on the written content of the chat.
Beneficial for people with auditory or visual processing difficulties, allowing them to focus on the most relevant communication channel.
Flexibility: Offers users the ability to choose whether or not to display the chat box during periods of voice silence.
Interruption management: Allows to reduce visual interruptions during presentations or important discussions, by temporarily hiding the chat box when no one is speaking.
“Please accept, VRChat Company, the expression of my highest consideration. Yours sincerely, Getomeulou, CEO of MSLC.
Please Fix! people who use chat boxes to communicate are effected by this!
This is a huge accessibility issue for people who are only able to communicate with chat boxes! Please fix this!
Yes please, make it a tickbox option. Sign worlds could use this.
Would be nice to silently com with friends in those chill worlds while still having body language in a way.