  1. Open App Store Connect
  2. Select VRChat for iOS
  3. Navigate to the TestFlight tab
  4. For each group selected in the sidebar, under
    Test iPhone and iPad apps on Macs with Apple silicon
Apple Silicon Macs can
run unmodified iOS and iPadOS software
without needing build support, Catalyst, or a separate Mac build. By allowing Apple Silicon Macs to test VRChat for iOS, this would allow a Desktop Mode experience for Mac users in which they can provide valuable feedback in regards to core features and stability, whilst having additional RAM at their disposal which will negate resource issues.
Additionally, iOS world and avatar creators who also develop on Mac within this beta would have the ability to near-instantly test their content, without having to switch devices, giving creators a better testing environment, and improving the pace of iteration. This would be a net-positive for creators on Mac.